Historic Premillennialism
“Amillennial Ecclesiology”
John F. Walvoord Bibliotheca Sacra 107 (Jan-Mar 1950) Few doctrines are more central in the Christian faith than the doctrine of the church. The teachings concerning its nature, form of government, its sacraments, the priesthood of the church, its essential duties, its rights, and its relation to the world and to the state combine to form…
“Amillennialism from Augustine to Modern Times”
John F. Walvoord Bibliotheca Sacra 106 (Oct-Dec 1949) It is difficult to overestimate the importance of Augustine in the history of theology. Not only did his thinking crystallize the theology which preceded him, but to a large extent he laid the foundations for both Catholic and Protestant doctrine. B. B. Warfield, quoting Harnack, refers to Augustine…
“A Premillennial Philosophy of History”
Alva J. McClain Chapter 28 in The Greatness of the Kingdom Note: In the following paper, click the footnote number, and it will take you to the footnote at the bottom of this page. Christianity is not a philosophy. But Christianity has a philosophy–the best and the brightest of all philosophies. In fact, it will be…
A Comparison of the Three Millennial Views
Kenneth J. Morgan Introduction Eschatology is that branch of systematic theology that studies the doctrine of last things–that is, future events prophesied or otherwise described in the Bible. It breaks into two parts: personal eschatology and general eschatology. Personal eschatology: the study of the future of individuals; specifically, the doctrines of death, the intermediate state, the…
Historic Premillennialism
The Locus Classicus: “They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”Revelation 20:4 “They will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Luke 21:24 Shortly before…