The Words of Qoheleth (1:1) Enjoyment of Life: The Gift of God Ecclesiastes is a much-neglected book in the Old Testament. Probably much of this neglect is the result of an incorrect interpretation of the book. One example of this is found in the original Scofield Reference Bible: “Ecclesiastes is the book of man ‘under the…
The Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit
“The possession of the charismata was confined to the Apostolic age.” Benjamin B. Warfield, “The Cessation of the Charismata (1918)” Introduction: A number of theological movements, such as the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Holiness groups, have as one of their distinctive characteristics a belief that a number of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit in the…
The Major Cults
Links to Other Biblically Oriented Web Sites
<—– Interpreting a Links Page —–> As I understand the Internet, sites in the same general genre at times exchange links. This is to the advantage of both sites. Being found in links pages of other Web sites helps your own site get noticed by the search engines. Nevertheless, sites that exchange links do not…
Statement of Faith
The Doctrines of Historic Christianity The following points constitute what we believe to be the sine qua non of historic, orthodox Christianity (adopted from the doctrinal statements of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the Evangelical Theological Society): The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God, without error in the original…
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About Us
Ken Morgan B.S., Physics, Northern Illinois University (1969)M.A., Old Testament Biblical Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (1977) Ken is a retired teacher. He now devotes himself full-time to theological research and writing as well as Webmaster duties for six different Web sites, including Rediscovering the Bible. He believes the Lord has called him into Jewish…
In Memory of Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
1908-2003 Reminiscences by Ken Morgan Pastor Stam was one of my most important early mentors as a teenager, probably second only to Pastor Donald Elifson, with whom he was a life-long friend. It all came about through a most interesting set of circumstances: my parents were having a garage built at our house in River Grove,…
In Memory of Janie M. Polachek
1905-1991 Reminiscences by Ken Morgan Victor and Lucille Polachek are my aunt and uncle. Vic’s father and mother divorced when he was quite young, and then much later his father, Armond, married Janie. I met her while she was visiting my aunt and uncle in Chicago some years after Armond died. I was then in…
In Memory of Pastor Donald C. Elifson
1916-1981 Dan Elifson, one of Pastor Elifson’s sons, shared with us that his mother, Shirley Elifson, went to be with the Lord on August 3, 2012. For the family and those of us who knew her there is sadness. But as for Mrs. Elifson, she is now “with Christ, which is far better.” Reminiscences by…